Our generation of professionals inherited a vocabulary of norms and practices from our predecessors.

They were coming from a century of industrial revolutions and big ideologies, and these shaped the way they built their teams, organizations and markets.

Big companies, formal relationships, bureaucracy, and an unhealthy obsession with control.

It worked well for decades.

Now we experience all of that as a burden. It results in a working experience that is stressful, not necessarily productive, often empty of powerful ideas, and with little tolerance for curiosity.

A new breed of managers is leading the change.

I work with hundreds of professionals a year, and I often meet this profile: managers who don’t surrender to the norms they learned, and that are on a constant quest to find new ideas and blueprints.

They are determined to achieve ambitious results while having an overall meaningful and enriching working experience.

Less burnout and politics, more results and personal satisfaction.

I wrote this little book based on my experience and research as a consultant. I hope that it can be a springboard for all those who resonate with the vision above.

You can download the book, for free, here below.